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Press release

SNIM and ArcelorMittaal have signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding to assess the opportunity of jointly developing a palletization and DRI production plants in Mauritania, fed by the iron ore produced by SNIM.
This agreement allows the launch of a pre-feasibility study, to be completed after six months, in order to give a better insight of the viability of the potential project, which would leverage Mauritania’s potential in terms of renewable energy and green hydrogen production.
The metal produced from green hydrogen will represent an important step in the transition of the steel industry towards “zero carbon” and will contribute to the economic development of the Region.
SNIM is a mining company based in Mauritania, the second largest producer of iron ore in Africa. ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel producer, is a European company based in Luxembourg.
Nouakchott, May 24, 2022.