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Inauguration of the rehabilitation and renovation project of the Moughataa of Nouadhibou medical center

On Tuesday 25 July 2023, the Wali of Dakhlet Nouadhibou, Hamed Fadel Mahi, inaugurated the rehabilitation of the Nouadhibou departmental medical centre (The Moughataa medical centre). The ceremony was attended by security, administrative and elected authorities, representatives of the free zone, and directors and officials of regional services.

السيد الوالي والأمين العام للمنطقة الحرة
The director of the SNIM Foundation, Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Sidna, said in his speech that the renovation and rehabilitation of the center cost 48 million old ouguiyas, from the Foundation’s budget for the year 2021-2022. He also pointed out that the center is an important health facility, created since the independence of the country.

The Director also described in detail the Foundation’s actions in the wilaya of Dakhlet Nouadhibou, particularly in the fields of health, education and water research. He stressed that the Foundation’s initiatives are having a positive impact on the lives of the region’s inhabitants. 
The following is a list of the Foundation's achievements in the field of health:

  • Completing and equipping Tmeymichat medical centre.
  • Construction of the extension of the maternity health centre commonly known as Rrebina Al Khamsa Hospital.
  • Extension and construction of Boulenouar Medical Centre.
  • Donation of a fully equipped ambulance to the municipality of Inal.
  • Support and management of ambulances in all municipalities along the railway (railway corridor)

The Foundation’s Managing Director also highlighted, in particular, the intervention of the Foundation in the Specialized Hospital Centre, which covered the following actions:

  • Refurbishment of the building.
  • Repair of the water and electricity networks.
  • Refurbishment of one of the wings to provide suitable accommodation for medical staff.
  • Repair and reinforcement of the scanner by adding an energy storage device, a printer and a screen, enabling it to resume work.    

In the field of education, SNIM Foundation has carried out the following projects:

  • Construction of an examination room within the regional education administration.
  • Expansion of Madrid high school by building 4 new classrooms.
  • Rehabilitation and modernization of Lycée n°1.
  • Expansion of the high school by building 6 new classrooms.
  • Extension of school no. 2 (Ecole 2) in Boulenouar.
  • Rehabilitation of the school of Inal.
  • Refurbishment of the teaching staff accommodation at Tmeymichat school.
  • Rehabilitation of Beneameyra School.
  • Supply of 10,000 school uniforms for railway corridor municipalities.
  • Supply of school equipment for municipalities in the corridor region.
  • Supply of office equipment for the municipalities of the corridor region;
  • Supply of 1500 school tables.
  • Provide support science rally and its organizing committees.

The Foundation’s director also listed the Foundation’s activities in the field of water research, including the implementation of a geophysical programme in Taziazt and Tijirit regions.

  • These achievements include:
  • Start drilling to test the presence of water and the preparation of Inal and Lebneye old wells.
  • Drilling and equipment of Achekrane and Brikenni wells
  • The equipment of the pilot farm of Boulenouar.
  • Rehabilitationof the reservoir and basins at Bneameyra.